Dancing Backwards Up The Hill
Documenting and freely sharing experiences on the road to better cognition in the 21st Century.
A place to walk with trees
Documenting and freely sharing experiences on the road to better cognition in the 21st Century.
Reflections on Guided Meditations or Bobcat Logic for Meditation Hesitancy (2)
I have made a “big medicine,” sixty years in the making. Reflections on Guided Meditations or Bobcat Logic for Meditation Hesitancy (3)
Riding into the Year of the Tiger. Reflections on Guided Meditations or Bobcat Logic for Meditation Hesitancy (4)
Learning to look out the windows of my own lighthouse. Reflections on Guided Meditations or Bobcat Logic for Meditation Hesitancy (5)
Meditation as alchemy as bonsai. The tree becoming the gardener. Reflections on Guided Meditations. (7)
One thing I know is that everything alive will strive to heal. The physical body as well as the mercurial mind and the ethereal spirit.
A fond look back at my ongoing relationship with Suzi and why we both “belong outdoors.”
Life is the unfolding of better questions. The bird nearest the earth has the prettiest song.
A look at psychological anthropology with the help of a lake, a grouse, a coyote, a stranger and two books.
When mice and men collide, necessity is the mother of mods. Genesis of the Hawes Modified Mousetrap.
Understanding walking weenies as a stable proportion of any society. Five Ancient Annoying Questions and Four Timeless Responses.
Human Healing Cycles + Constant Efficiency of Life / Modern Modes + Meds + Meditation = A New Natural.
A missed fishing trip morphs into an impromptu hunting expedition in the midst of an electrical crisis.
Navigating sexual orientation and the integrity of friendship before the rainbow.