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Free Downloads

I hosted three shows at CHLS Radio Lillooet 100.5 FM. Download the free MP3 audio. My humble thanks to the archivers. NOTE: The archived pages cannot play the recordings but the download buttons work. Explore and enjoy.


​Bobcat Logic (Podcast)


Right Between Your Ears (Music)


Brain Food For A Wednesday Eve (Talking Books)


I also wrote a book of poetry. Download a free copy in PDF.

Here are some songs I wrote in my youth. I eventually recorded them in 2010 in Vancouver. I named the collection, Chicory. I am playing a Yamaki six-string guitar.




Blue Like A Robin's Egg
00:00 / 04:29
Far Side Of The Sun
00:00 / 03:53
Rainy Night In August
00:00 / 04:14
Time To Be
00:00 / 03:54
By Surprise
00:00 / 03:54
Looking Around
00:00 / 02:57
00:00 / 02:26
Voices On The Wind
00:00 / 03:42
White Trash
00:00 / 03:06

About Me

A fifth generation Texan, sired by a Canadian. I grew up in Texas, Louisiana and B. C. A creative autist and grandfather of Welsh, Irish, German, Swedish and Texas Cherokee ancestry. My eldest son added Chinese to our DNA and my younger son added Filipino. I write because a blank sheet of paper has always been for me a space between cause and effect where dignity abides. I make physical and visual art when Spirit moves me. ARTEMISIA is the current home of my work. Walking many roads and sharing my medicine, I currently reside in the St'at'imc Nation. It brings me joy to see i ts7ása úcwalmicw and skelkékla7 (young and old) dancing into post-Colonial reality with enduring dignity and inherent grace. To all my relations: It is an honour to live among you in this powerful and magical place.


Long-haired Texas boy
Battle of the Neches Marker
Vancouver Letter Carrier
Battle of the Neches Info
Battle of the Neches site
Cherokee Chief Bowles Memorial
Texas Cherokee Associated Bands
Chief Wilma Mankiller
Deputy Chief Curtis Watson
Rolling Thunder Cherokee Medicine Man
Cherokee Trail of Tears
Man playing guitar
Father and Son
Baby Girl
Two Vikings


Start Where You Are


God abide this gentle tide
thy ruined ledger mend
prithee heft thine avowéd birk
and bestow a safer Zen

SINCE 2003

glowing tree trunks
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