Free Downloads
I hosted three shows at CHLS Radio Lillooet 100.5 FM. Download the free MP3 audio. My humble thanks to the archivers. NOTE: The archived pages cannot play the recordings but the download buttons work. Explore and enjoy.
Right Between Your Ears (Music)
Brain Food For A Wednesday Eve (Talking Books)
I also wrote a book of poetry. Download a free copy in PDF.
Here are some songs I wrote in my youth. I eventually recorded them in 2010 in Vancouver. I named the collection, Chicory. I am playing a Yamaki six-string guitar.
About Me
A fifth generation Texan, sired by a Canadian. I grew up in Texas, Louisiana and B. C. A creative autist and grandfather of Welsh, Irish, German, Swedish and Texas Cherokee ancestry. My eldest son added Chinese to our DNA and my younger son added Filipino. I write because a blank sheet of paper has always been for me a space between cause and effect where dignity abides. I make physical and visual art when Spirit moves me. ARTEMISIA is the current home of my work. Walking many roads and sharing my medicine, I currently reside in the St'at'imc Nation. It brings me joy to see i ts7ása úcwalmicw and skelkékla7 (young and old) dancing into post-Colonial reality with enduring dignity and inherent grace. To all my relations: It is an honour to live among you in this powerful and magical place.
God abide this gentle tide
thy ruined ledger mend
prithee heft thine avowéd birk
and bestow a safer Zen
SINCE 2003