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With Respect (2009)

Writer's picture: Michael HawesMichael Hawes

Lillooet, B. C. September 5, 2022

Dear World,

Here is a letter I wrote to to readers of my previous websites, Follow The Lynx and Stochastic Scintillae on the occasion of attaining the age of fifty-two. It was a calcination and distillation of much of the new information that I had intaken during the previous six years or so of my presence on the internet. This ongoing process happens by default and when a person is aware of it, that person may be said to be one step closer to understanding the mystery of alchemy. My writing voice has somewhat changed since those words were first written but this is nothing more than a literary accent and I can easily swap between several regardless of the topics being treated.

Very much of the digital information that I supplemented my regular book reading with came unavoidably from a conspiracy paradigm, as the information which furnishes the wool to weave that popular fabric first appeared in a significantly accessible way on the internet. I. E., sources such as scanned documents, re-prints of obscure articles and government secrets that had been declassified due to the passage of time.

Looking back, it was not the information that was eventually problematic for me, it was rather my realization that the people who tended to collect, organize and distribute such intelligence, in many cases had definite agendas of elaborating their own nightmares, bolstering their income with the expert help of Phobos or preemptively catching future criminals who might be inspired by purposefully manufactured hate.

I read everything from a platform of personal curiosity and a spiritual thirst for knowledge until I become aware of the intentional cultivation of fear. That negative crop was being engaged in by some of the aggregators of the advertised real truth that I had been expending time on.

Information itself remains innocent and may be either accurate, inaccurate or fabricated. This is true of school curriculum textbooks or any other source. It is only the processing of information by an individual that yields beneficial rewards possessing utility. It is the questions teased out of the human mind by reading new information that are the first fruits of learning. Below you will see many of the questions that sprouted from my own reading in the first decade of the 20s. After the new questions, you will encounter some thoughts and findings given voice by their impetus. Now, we return to 2009.

A February day in the Gregorian reckoning. I'm watching two hawks circling above my apartment window. I have just completed fifty-two years and a week on the planet. For forty-seven of those years I have been reading. Perhaps, ten percent of that material was fiction. As the hawks spiral in and out of a cloud, I have a loftier view of my own ignorance. My world is the same and my rewards are better formulated questions. This is likely the best that can be attained. Constantly refining the same questions does not abrade my spirit to the slightest degree. Humility is a constant companion on any personal journey

I can speak of the road to entertain children. I can compose a buleriá of words to make the feminine part of your mind dance and I can relate experiences that would make the hairs on your neck stand up. Although useful, these skills are easy to abuse and I respectfully employ them cognizant of my responsibility. The bird nearest the earth has the prettiest song. Why is the eagle's cry short in comparison to the trill of a red-winged blackbird? The former sees the world from a grand perspective, while the latter sees the world from very close range. Think about that.

We are at an important juncture in our collective human journey. It is time to look at our compasses. If you are familiar with Astrology, you may know that Pluto has left Sagittarius and has entered Capricorn. A powerful catalyst. The Destroyer is known by many other names. Think of the next fifteen years as Winter. Consider nature in Winter. Apply those phenomena to your internal mental world, your community and your country until you can widen the scope of your analogy to include the world.

Nothing induces shock faster than something unexpected. Shock has a paralyzing effect. In the days to come we must be nimble and adaptable. Sounds ominous? It is. What's the good in it? I venture this: Much has been putrefying in our world for many years and it will all be converted into useful fertilizer. Dead branches will be torn from trees and hidden things will be revealed then destroyed. Intuition will become provable fact, both inside ourselves and outside in our world. What can we do? Nothing and everything.

We can try to be worthy of our planet. The more I understand, the more I love. I am a rooster and so I crow: Wake up boys and girls! Pull thine heads out of thine arses and greet the light of day. Turn off the TV and close your newspapers and magazines. Drink a glass of water. Dress yourselves without using a mirror. Walk outside. Look around. Think about what you see. Particularly if it is unpleasant. Try to be truthful today. Listen to everyone. Don't believe any of them. When you get home, use your computer to investigate what you heard. Don't believe any of that, either. Use the library and the bookstore but don't put your faith in any of those.

You are merely gathering twigs for a fire. You are not filling up a bucket. Put all the twigs of information into the stove of your intellect and allow that fire to burn. Eat an apple. The part you cannot assimilate will exit in due time. Knowledge works in the same manner. Realize that the much of what you were taught as a child was not true. Move forward but do not forget where you have passed.

Now ask questions. Who designed the monetary system that we use? Whom does it serve? Why are more North American deaths due to allopathic medical treatments than all other causes combined? Who are the Bilderbergers? What is the Round Table? What is the Royal Institute of International Affairs? What is the Council on Foreign Relations? Who has been awarded Rhodes Scholarships? Was Cecil Rhodes an honourable man? Who administers the World Trade Organization? Who owns the World Bank? Who was Adam Weishaupt? Who and what were the Templars? What exactly is the Illuminati? Which particular Nazis were brought to America with the help of the Vatican in Operation Paperclip and what did they do upon arrival? Who funded Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Marx and Napoleon?

Why is Washington D. C. a corporation? Why is the City of London a corporation? Why is the Vatican a corporation? Why are the three of these locations adorned with Masonic symbols, such as Egyptian obelisks? Was Akhenaten the real Oedipus? Why did he impose monotheism, worship Aten and consider himself the Son of the Sun? Why is the Mahabharata filled with detailed descriptions of flying war machines? Why can we not determine who exactly were the Hyksos? Why is 85% of the human genome not utilized? What would be our capabilities, if we activated that unused code? How can people easily understand Hegel but not recognize dialectics at work in the world? Why was Ezra Pound locked in an asylum? What is the Codex Alimentarius? Quick, it will be imposed at the end of this year!

If a 1/4 acre multiplied by 6.5 billion persons would not equal the area of Australia; how can it be argued that our population is excessive? Why can different religions be converted into one another by exchanging a few names and dates? If we humans are capable of committing atrocities against them over there and they are capable of doing it to us here, aren't we also capable of doing it to us here? Does the fossil record support Darwin's Theory of Evolution? Why should legitimate artifacts be kept in the basements of museums because they conflict with dominant theories? Is it not better to challenge our intellects?

We have largely settled for half-truths. We have been drugged and we have been hypnotized. We have been acting like beasts instead of like human men and women. Though this is not entirely our fault, it is entirely our responsibility. The deception is very deep. A man was once asked what he thought of civilization, Christianity, science, medicine, academic education, etc. He answered that it sure would be a good idea. Another man said that it is no indication of mental health to be well-adjusted in a profoundly sick society.

Who are the bad guys? A good question with no simple answer. Questions become refined with increased awareness and answers are perpetual works in progress. You and I are the bad guys. Ignorance and sloth are the bad guys. Shame and fear are the bad guys. Power seekers knowingly manipulate these things for their own gain.

We are each composed of a core, an ego and an umbra. The ego is a necessary costume for the play. The core is our potential to become. The umbra is composed of everything that we do not allow ourselves to express. It is an individual entity which acts as the gatekeeper and will challenge any entry into our core. I believe that we are intended to transcend this. Our awareness must journey past our egos and into to our cores in order to discover our true potential identities. That transit would be the moment that our lives would actually begin, our spiritual births so to speak, but he trail is blocked by a troll on the bridge, our umbra.

This being is moulded in large part by our institutions and our societies. When it gets powerful enough, its negative energy can make us act badly or induce others to act badly. In extreme cases, it can actually manifest as a perceivable external entity. This is highly undesirable. The collective consciousness works the same way. Carl Jung taught us that. Now pick up your newspapers again and turn on your TVs.

It may be evident to most readers that humanity in general has become so repressed that the gatekeepers have usurped the stage. There is something we must do to help. We can confront the personal demons inside ourselves. Remember that if you allow someone to make you their debt-slave, they can easily coerce you to victimize others. Who's the bad guy in that scenario? You or them? Who is the victim? The being with the most fear is the most dangerous because of an insatiable need for power. Fear causes a collapses of energy fields of the fearful and thus attracts negativity. Love is the polar opposite.

Fear is malleable like wet clay and love is the potter's sweet, strong hand. What things are frightening to inbred billionaires? Now, that is a weighty question to ponder. External to each of us, there are things seen and things unseen. I saw a wonderful photo of a mongoose group facing an enraged cobra and it put me in mind of the following analogy.

An unseen psychological and spiritual cobra eternally confronts an unseen mongoose, but the mongoose always wins the fight. We humans are almost all terrified of cobras. Not many of us are terrified of mongeese, however. The mongoose quickly recognizes danger and adroitly utilizes the fullness of its innate capabilities. Less than that would quickly seal its doom.

The true recognition of danger is not the same thing as fear. We could call this ability trucognition or recognosis or better yet, trucognosis. The benefit of trucognosis is that it functions fully within in the frequency that we have given the name, Love.

If the mongoose was impaired in its capacity to love, the cobra would have a much better chance of victory. The cobra is justifiably frightened because it has nothing to bring to the combat but poison and reptilian responses. From the outset, their battle is a dance led by the mongoose and choreographed by love. Discover who you actually are. Become sober and trucognize what confronts you as you move forward. As a human mammal, you are the allegorical mongoose. Keep your definition of love in the fire of your heart. Never put it in a bucket to carry around as if you understood it.



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