The Art of War
While working on the North Vancouver waterfront as a young man in the Seventies, I win a battle and lose a war.
A place to walk with trees
While working on the North Vancouver waterfront as a young man in the Seventies, I win a battle and lose a war.
Changing emotional pathways in the 21st century. Forgiveness update.
An egregious look at ayahuasca, modern life and ego death.
My first and last days as a postie and some of the folks who helped me to cross and celebrate the finish. Busting the myth of invisibility.
Some Bobcat Logic on the dietary evolution of humans with a third eye upon the spiritual components of nutrition.
Peering through the fog of evolution at some of the characters we might encounter.
On believing lies, disbelieving truths, punk music diagnostics, cat wisdom and Sugarless Gum.
Curiosity and patience through the mystery. Reflections on Guided Meditations or Bobcat Logic for Meditation Hesitancy (6)
How I learned to bridge the inter-generational empathy gap between co-workers in a variety of employment scenarios using Bobcat Logic.
A true ghost story from 1970’s Nanaimo where something is not quite right with an old house on Harewood Rd.
A look at the yin and yang of good and evil in the human experience. Probable medical causes and possible spiritual cures.
Welfare Wednesdays on a 1980s Vancouver East Side postal route.
Examining the comparative perception of "progress" through generations and the distorted lens of history.
Everything unknown is held to be magnificent. An exploration of that fact in human terms.