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Omne Ignotum Pro Magnifico

Writer's picture: Michael HawesMichael Hawes

Whatever is unknown is held to be magnificent. Bear this in mind. Priests of every robe have known and utilized this from the beginning. This is not to say that upon becoming known a thing may not be magnificent, rather, it is to say that it may be quite ordinary, it may be harmful, it may be a lie and finally, it may be an illusion. Thus, common sense encourages one to investigate, to inquire and to observe.

There are two worlds in terms of religious matters, political matters and scientific matters to name only three of the most important fields of human endeavour that impact the lives of all. These two worlds are the exoteric or outward appearing and the esoteric or inner meaning. The esoteric world is described in terms of symbols, which has the effect of keeping specialized knowledge and information in fewer hands resulting in many being led by the human tendency pointed out in the paragraph above.

Symbols, it must be remembered, are nothing more than components of a language. They form letters, words and paragraphs. If I was looking at a piece of parchment inscribed with strange glyphs, I might expect it to hold lofty meanings but might be very disappointed upon learning that I had just translated someone's shopping list. The reverse of this scenario is equally true.

As with all written languages. People have to create them. People like you and me. The meaning or meanings attributed to the symbols can be whatever the creator of the language wishes them to be. They may be updated and altered over time and they usually are. The objects chosen for the symbols are limited only by the imaginations of the authors. Thus, even words themselves can and do have multiple meanings in their service as symbols within an esoteric language.

The persistence of certain graphic symbols gives us a clue as to their antiquity. Their meanings are by necessity and by design, multiple. I remember inquiring, when I was yet a child, as to why there was a pyramid on the back of the US dollar federal reserve note I held in my hand. I received a shrug of the shoulders from the adults I questioned. My father had the same pyramid tattooed on his arm. He said he got it in Alexandria, Egypt during his sailing days as a merchant seaman.

The poet Ezra Pound was incarcerated for investigating the very same question. When he was visited in the asylum by a Library of Congress worker, Eustace Mullins, Ezra gave him a dollar bill and told him to research the pyramid and other symbols and that he would eventually understand how the world really worked. Eustace did so, documented everything he found among the stacks of records and then wrote several books. He was eventually fired from the Library of Congress and to my knowledge, no information cited in his books has ever been successfully challenged and proven to be untrue.

In a pyramidal structure comprised of levels or courses of bricks, the number of bricks on the base is the largest and with each successive level, this number gets smaller, until the capstone on the top. In a system of any kind whether it is a business, a financial, a religious or a philosophical system, there is a source or reservoir at the top which disseminates information downwards. If this information is only partially imparted to each level below, control of the entire structure becomes a real possibility.

By the use of multiple meanings for symbols and by also using words as symbols, an even finer degree of control can be maintained. All the “bricks” on one level speak the same language and agree on the meaning of those words that they use. This serves several simultaneous purposes. There is a cohesion and camaraderie on each level as an entity in and of itself. In addition, there is an egoistic appeal in the knowledge that the layers of bricks below are not privy to the “real” meanings of the symbols and words used on any level above. This creates a self-perpetuating isolation and competitive dynamic. Thirdly, the magnificence of the unknown “real” meanings of the symbols and words of any level above, serve to keep all the bricks striving upwards in order to gain the particular rewards bestowed at each new level of ascendancy, be they demonstrable, promised or imagined.

A powerful self-perpetuating dynamo has thus been cobbled together. Innocence and ignorance frame the entire structure, while guile, pride and stupidity rise to the top. A structure made of bricks is rendered more stable if mortar is used to join the bricks and bond them together. When the “bricks” are humans, a solemn oath is such a mortar. But why would this be necessary? As a person rises up successive levels and their innocence is sloughed off with each new revelation of the “real” meanings of things, something very curious happens.

It was likely noticed back in ancient times and has been exploited ever since. It must be remembered that ignorance is simply not knowing something and is no measure of the mental, spiritual or physical worth of a person. Stupidity, on the other hand is knowing something and wilfully disregarding it. On their slow march up the pyramid, some people find that they are opposed to the latest version of the real meaning of the work that they have been engaged in. Either they resent being duped or come face to face with a personal moral frontier. This can happen at any level and is a cost of building pyramidal structures with human bricks.

This ever present potential juncture is precisely where the solemn oath proves its efficacy in keeping those unhappy individual shoulders to the wheel. It was certainly observed long ago that the majority of people have little personal courage. Also that there are many who are satisfied not doing their own thinking and grateful for situations that lack responsibility.

That is a description of one such system. Many of those systems can be constructed and combined to make larger, complex structures using the same principals thus far discussed. The original designer of such systems remains in complete control, if they will.

Philosophy and religion are the parents of politics. As they are both made of ideas, anyone can create them. And this can make gods of the creators. A change in an underlying philosophy makes a change in the religious and political systems resting upon that philosophy. Very many people have propounded very many philosophies. Certain philosophies have gained prominence in human life while others have diminished.

There is much more of Plato, for example, than there is of Aristotle underlying the world today. Kant and Hegel are ubiquitous. When we look into the lives and educations of these men and others like them, we see that they had specialized educations. These great men of antiquity were attached to schools that operated in the upper levels of the systems in place in their day.

Mystery Schools taught a select few knowledge that was carefully kept out of the purview of the profane. We call this occult knowledge, which simply means hidden. There were many such schools, each with their own system and symbolic language. We know that the above mentioned oath taking was and still is required at each level of initiation. Consider a structure built of ideas, authored by an unknown entity and supported by an army of disciples, none of whom has the knowledge of the actual purpose and original intent of the enterprise as a whole, yet are bound by oath to remain loyal to such a system.

An old saying about a one-eyed man being King in the land of the blind begins to have a more immediate pertinence when this is pondered. Who is the one-eyed man? A very good question. It is a secret. Secrets are kept in order to protect someone or something. The keeper may be fearful of publicity for a variety of reasons. Many secretive people are embarrassed, ashamed, guilty, neurotic, suspicious or paranoid. These negative traits and emotions make such people dangerous in proportion to their own estimation of the non-acceptance of their secrets. The vulnerability of secret keepers is in direct proportion to this differential. There are ways in which to address this vulnerability, mainly stealth and a species of patience that most people cannot fathom.

“Oh cryptic shit!” you might say, but stand by, many ideas are hard to fathom only because a necessary step was left out by the person who would attempt to understand.

The ideas and actions of a person cannot be fully understood unless one knows the belief system of that person. Nor can a person be fairly compared to oneself until one knows what their own beliefs really are. We are back to the philosophy, religion and science mentioned earlier. Many people have not pondered with any honesty their own beliefs regarding just those three categories upon which their personal world is largely built. This holds true across the world and up any human pyramid to the level just below the capstone.

Upon closely examining their core beliefs, most people would find a pastiche of the beliefs of their parents, their teachers, their priests, the constant bombardment via popular media and a birth culture which they take in through osmosis. Some people seek in earnest and make a personal choice, some people never seek and some people never stop seeking. Regardless, it may be said in all three cases that until and unless each person considers the origin of their beliefs and further makes a conscious willful decision to assemble a set of those beliefs which they hold to be true, they are unconsciously dancing to the flute of another.

Because of this entropy, it should be a simple matter to sprinkle the seeds of ideas that give rise to a desired philosophy, science or religion, which in the fullness of time will be the basic belief system of any majority, at which time the threat level of non-acceptance of ideas may be reduced to a point whereupon it is quite safe to reveal such hidden things and the dynamics of the herd will take care of the rest. As to the inhuman patience required of those who use this tactic, we can better understand it when we ponder the belief in reincarnation and selective breeding.

Genghis, Alexander, Napoleon, Mao, Stalin, Mussolini, Mazzini, Pike, Bush, Hitler and Putin were the sprouts of ideas that were planted long before they were born. Some of those who whispered in their ears and lined their pockets, knew well the pedigree of those ideas, albeit some of these would be captains were in such a state of excitement that they failed in their timing, so filled were they with the arrogance of the gods they embraced. This constantly made them mistake ignorance for stupidity and gentleness for weakness.

If one is attempting to build something that will take thousands of years to complete and one's workers subscribe to reincarnation, then it is no matter if none of those involved enjoy the completion of the project in their lifetime. All of those who labour remain happy in the thought that they will come back to enjoy the fruits of their labour under better future circumstances. Anyone whose belief is along different lines will need coercion, distraction and rewards for their labour.

It would behoove the architect to keep the tradesmen separated into small groups of different specialties until the edifice is finished. It would be far easier to manage, that way. Once it is built, the architect will no longer need the tradesmen and rather than deal with them as a whole, he will deal with small groups of them over time and thus make their dismissal far easier to accomplish.

If the finished creation is to be filled with people, it is better that they are in a unified group and not in contact with the builders. That is, if the purpose is to maintain total control. In this scenario, a single religion, culture, language, science and philosophy will make this simple to effect. Remember that an architect creates nothing, she merely takes that which is already created and shapes it to her purpose.

Remember also that the people who inhabit the upper chambers and inner sanctums of our world each have their own culture, language, philosophy, religion and science. It is likely not the same as that which is taught in the public schools, minor universities or modern mainstream organized religions. The pew does not understand the words from the pulpit by design, not by mistake. If one was made privy to the personal religion of a power broker and were told their philosophy, one might reject it. Regardless of one’s rejection, that power broker’s beliefs would likely still affect one.

For this reason, it is common sense to attempt to learn the real beliefs of those in power positions. The difficulty of the task is the above mentioned plethora of symbols and deceit covering or veiling these truths. The symbols are paradoxically the key to tracing the seed to the fruit, the fruit to the tree and the tree to the roots. As a case in point, consider what I saw in an ostensibly Catholic church grounds.

In the backyard of the priest's quarters at a Catholic church in Vancouver, I encountered a statue of a woman stepping on a snake's head and assumed it was a Saint. Upon examination, I realized that I was looking at a statue of someone far older than the Catholic Church. I had seen pictures of Vishnu as Krishna crushing a serpent's head as well as Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek and Nordic gods and goddesses engaged in the same sport. The original motif is from the Pentateuch, scholars I have read concur. It is probable that the incorporation of this motif into myth began with Semiramis, who wished to deify her husband Nimrod, through her son Ninus.

On account of his apostasy Nimrod, aka Zoroaster had been put to a horrible death and dismemberment by Shem, son of Noah, aka Hercules. We can get the details from the Osirian Cycle of the seventy-two judges who condemned the great man. He was cut into fourteen pieces and sent throughout the country. It sent big shock waves out into a world that was very close in time to the days of the Old Testament. It is thought that at this time that the Mysteries went underground in response to this punishing of one of their own.

The question is, how does a statue of this motif fit into the courtyard of a Christian church in 2019? It is usually a male figure who crushes the serpent and is in turn doomed to die thereby saving the others by this act of conquering the master of death personified by the serpent. This twist served a definite political agenda in the days of Babylon but is a far cry from the biblical scriptures used by the modern Catholic.

There is a pyramid near Bangalore, India built by an American man claiming to be Maitreya or the Buddha of the future. There are no mentions of pyramids in any Buddhist texts I have encountered to date. A quick Google search the other day yielded three different persons claiming to be Maitreya as well as a woman who claimed to channel the teachings of Maitreya at a special meeting of the United Nations. The American born Maitreya even sells pyramidal structures for home use in soul therapy. It comes with a blessed mat that admonishes one to become harmless.

We now know that the great pyramids in Egypt were never meant to be tombs, rather they were places of initiation into the Mysteries. Plato and others gave descriptions of this and recent archaeological excavations have borne this out. The light of truth simply shines on whatever it falls upon. The light of illumination is many-coloured and is given with verbal explanations only to initiates, only after taking vows and it changes its aspect, thereby changing its revealed truth with each successive degree attained. It is far different to see a truth with your own eyes than to have it spoon-fed to you by a person after undergoing a ceremony to prepare your mind to accept what you will be told.

It may be that the greatest mystery is that there is no mystery beyond the science of controlling people by deception, religions promising godhood and a philosophy of fire. There are always those who are satisfied to be mortals possessed of intellect and subject to a creator. Many people have been reduced to termites building mud towers for hidden masters who's religion promises them that they can be gods.



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