A place to walk with trees

Speculations on the Logical Impact of Psychopathy on homo sapiens from Ancient Times.
A Mother Pelican
A look at a real Louisiana Man and what he was doing with common sense, decency and personal fortitude.
Home Sweet Home, Harpocrates and A Grain Of Salt
A look at early Texas history, with a focus on the non-Native players as seen through a Texas Cherokee's perspective.
Acipencer Transmontanus Languida
Pondering 100 million year old fish, the “Great Inbetweenium”, Chinese graveyards, the Rivers Fraser and Meander and the tedium of luxury.
On Women and Horses
If we could actually understand the bond between a man and a woman, we would have destroyed that bond which is rooted in the Mystery.
Encounters On The Good Road
Man’s best friend meets a man of constant sorrow on the Rainbow Bridge, ladies sing, a lesson is learned and a torch is passed.
Some Words To The Close And Holy Darkness
Unwrapping Christmases past. Featuring: "A Child’s Christmas In Wales" by Dylan Thomas.
A Brief History Of The Philippines
An historical overview of the Philippines. The study of history is necessarily the study of macro-economics.
A Martial Arts Gumbo
My own experience of the martial arts and thoughts about their genesis. Take off your shoes as we walk from Billy Jack to Pa Gua.
Circumambulations (of a tall americano)
On twirling sunwise and a Nepalese widdershins bear. A hop farm worker looks at etymology.