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Writer's picture: Michael HawesMichael Hawes

Speculations on the Logical Impact of Psychopathy on homo sapiens from Ancient Times

New Preface as of February, 2021: I felt inspired to include a brief new introduction to this essay which was written approximately ten years ago. Behind this are the twin intentions of providing clarity of my perspective and to encourage others to exercise their own mental faculties by cogitating on our world and the human story in particular; in an honest spirit of admitting that we were not present to witness what we speculate on but recognize that we are all individual parts of the actual truth of that story. And as our thoughts are assembled, their woven pattern may lead us closer to understanding the how and why of our condition in any future “today.”

I recently came across a quote that crystallizes what seems to me to be necessary in a situation wherein there is no direct communication back and forth from reader to writer. So, here is the quote, “One must not take this kind of research which we enter into as the pursuit of truths of history, but solely as hypothetical and conditional reasonings, better fitted to clarify the nature of things than to expose their actual origin...” -Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse On The Origin and The Foundation Of Inequality Among Mankind [1754]: 78

Psychopath: If you are unfamiliar with the word, a quick read on Wikipedia will give you a good general overview of the meaning of the term as it is thought of today by predominantly American and British academia. A longer read of the book Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewski will give you statistics and a more precise medical understanding of the condition.

Abbreviations used in this article:

P = Psychopath,

M = Minion [A person predisposed to be spellbound by a Psychopath]

N = Normal [Understood for purposes of this essay as being the neurotypical dominant majority of any group, but we must remain aware that there are also a variety of other known cognitive types. For the sake of simplicity, these other types will not be dealt with in this essay.]

It would be an interesting, revelatory and informative thought journey to incorporate more cognitive types, such as Autists, in another iteration of this essay. What is being attempted in this essay is to factor in what is known about psychopathic mentality and behaviour into the standard historical narrative and see what emerges.

B = Banished [A discovered Psychopath that is sent away from a Normal group]

W = Wanderers{Psychopaths that travel away from their place of birth voluntarily]

We learn in Lobaczewski's book that a small percentage of our species are born Psychopaths. Around 1%, seems to be the agreed upon figure for North America. Another, slightly larger percentage of humans are predisposed to be strongly attracted to them. This is because these individuals perceive the P person's lack of remorse and seeming lack of fear as if it were confidence and strength. This is a costly misjudgment. Statistics show that male Psychopaths are more numerous than the females.

The reverse of this is the P persons mistaking the patience and kindness of an N person as weakness and stupidity, which is also a mistake. An N person may never truly place themselves in the mind-set of a P person, but the latter has an uncanny ability to mimic the emotions and appropriate responses of an N person to any stimulus. This is simply so because the P person immediately perceives his difference from those around him and must by necessity learn rapidly how to fit in in order to survive. Upon the contact of a P and an M person, a sadomasochistic relationship will ensue.

A moment of reflection here, will allow the reader to ponder the behaviour of such a group in various situations. A knowledge of general human behaviour and of classic group dynamics will enhance this exercise to the degree that the reader possesses these. Regardless of their degree of understanding, a reader may absorb this essay actively rather than passively and thus, as food for thought. A much more valuable commodity than a snapshot to be liked or not liked or a statement to be agreed with or disagreed with.

That said, let's begin the speculations. PERHAPS, in the earliest of times, the small portion in each human population who were Psychopathic would have eventually by their actions have made themselves known. They would already have known who was of their kind, as this is one of their gifts. For the sake of this article, the author will define "morality" as the behavioural norm for a group of any size, with "behavioural norm" being defined as the behaviour practised by the majority of that group. This behavioural norm is not static and solely dependent on the critical number necessary to trigger the group dynamics of homo sapiens.

Given human nature it is conceivable that in some populations these small parasitic manipulators were Banished. In other populations they may have Wandered off of their own accord, followed by their Minions. In early times these two varieties of P groups would have remained living on the periphery of the N groups. There would have been some contact and interaction between separate groups of B+W, but of a different nature than that worked out between the N majority and the B+W minority. Each camp would have developed differing world-views and cultures. Their interaction with each other would have created its own third culture and world-view.

This phenomenon took place over time and in many diverse locations and climes. In each situation, the P and M populations would have been, by the numbers available to us now, predominately male. Their gifts easily enabled them to live parasitically off of their hosts. This gave them much leisure time to watch and study the behaviours of their hosts, without spoiling the experiment by their presence. It also enabled them to study nature and the visible creation. In time they were equipped with certain knowledge that proved useful to their hosts.

A knowledge was gained by a combination of long observation, careful memorization and subsequently invented methods of information storage and retrieval born of simple necessity rather than of genius. The same process was happening in the N centres, but with a difference. A slower pace was enforced on the N population, by their necessity to work and cooperate as an emerging tribe. Another major difference is what happened in each group when a new, better way of doing something was discovered by an individual.

In the P group, the behaviour was to utilize the innovation for ones own gain with a drive to dominate others. In the N population the tendency was to share the technology with the tribe. This is simply due to the N population including their tribe as a component of their own identity. Part of their ego is their tribe. Familial and social bonds make this possible and are the hallmarks of homo sapiens natural behaviour. In the P groups, the relationships are sadomasochistic, similar to the social norms of predatory animals or military troops, which behaviour enabled them to co-exist for extended periods of time.

The P society is hierarchical and easily illustrated by the form of a stepped pyramid. Compartmentalization of information and chains of power are the warp and weft of this culture. These early P populations, while being predominately male originally, would have acquired B female and W female additions to their numbers. They would have also possibly have been able to acquire N females in a number of ways. The physical brain anomalies of P humans are transmissible genetically.

Lack of new breeding females may have given logical rise to incestuous relationships. As in all majority situations, the numbers alone would make any type of behaviour normal. Children from the N populations who displayed behaviour not acceptable to their tribe would have possibly been taken to live with the P population after having been identified as different. Then, the smaller individual breeding populations would have led to many inherited defects and less variety of physical features.

When the organization and store of knowledge of the P population had reached a certain plateau, it would have been available for barter with the N group. The N group eventually had domestic animals and were attempting cereal farming. They progressed to a certainty of survival and a moderate surplus by their practice of sharing knowledge and caring for each other. In the areas where the P group had worked out greater applicable science, the N group was willing to trade for it. This commerce improved the N situation especially in making the transition from subsistence living to permanent settlements with surplus. The P population had much to sell. Knowledge of the heavens, mathematics, meteorology, hydrology to name a few. The P populations in some regions may have taken to herding sheep and goats. They definitely observed the N populations at this endeavour and from it the dialectic theory and herd mechanics was worked out ages before they bore those names.

The largest populations of either type occurred in river valleys. The Nile, Mesopotamia, Yangtze and Indus to name a few. Here, what we have been calling civilization developed. The commerce between the P and N populations continued unabated and in my opinion, this civilization would have not occurred without the special knowledge imparted by the P population to the N population. In time the P population developed money, writing and many other things. Their long observation of their hosts enabled them to create religions, symbols and myths that were tailored to suit the temperament and established norms of their various host populations.

Within the hierarchies of the P populations, fraternities were formed. Information was bartered between the high priests of P different centres. The manner in which these exchanges were conducted was of a very different nature than the interactions of different N populations or tribes. Language, law and the taking of oaths to indemnify one P against hurt or loss by another P developed by logical necessity. Symbolism, secrecy and rituals provided protective layers to ensure the compartmentalization of their knowledge and information and thus, their power. Music, drama and art provided excellent and effective tools for subtly managing the host group.

Through applied science meted out to N populations by P priests, astrologers and shamans, the N populations benefited greatly. The transition of the Nile floodplain into a banked river some distance above the delta, being one example. The marsh dwellers were transformed by technology from giggers of frogs to pyramid builders. The blessings of civilization were always bought and bought at great price. Tribes had worked out a system of small family groups headed by individuals bonded in co-operation with other family groups. While they may have followed a chief, they only did so for as long as the chief made sense to them. Anyone or anything that made sense was freely imitated.

By manipulating the human trait of imitation and by trading technology for power and control over the leaders of the N group via all the Arts developed by the P population; huge civilizations of hosts were built up. Powerful knowledge was sold to individuals identified as the “right types” by the P priests and to some of their own M members. The right types were those who were easily corruptible and thus more easily controlled. Research and development into various drugs and mind or mood altering substances gave these sell-outs both a ready source of clandestine revenue and a method of control, which dovetailed nicely with the P created money system.

Much earlier than we are led to conclude from modern education, the N Cities, City States, Kingdoms and Principalities were infiltrated at the upper levels by those I shall dub the Brothers, who are the organized agents of the P and M. We may trace them through time using the art and written languages that were designed by the P priest craft. We come to a halt at around the Sumerian stage of the timeline. This is simply because we are not able to lay hands on anything written prior to this time. The time is around 3000 BC or 5000 years before today. We may read texts of all sorts and among the most interesting are those from the schools of that day. The majority of the lessons were for the purpose of training scribes to go on to work for the administration of commerce and government.

We may read descriptions of daily life as well as creation myths and poetry. A perusal of some of the descriptions of city life will quickly confront the reader with the fact that with a few minor changes, the descriptions of the workings of the state were very sophisticated and very much like our own modern system today. This is especially noticeable when reading the complaints of the ancient citizen writers. A conclusion begins to dawn on the modern reader of such cuneiform translations that Sumer couldn't have suddenly sprung into existence with all its sophistication. There had to be a long arduous road of development and perfecting of techniques to ever reach that stage.

I posit, that by necessity, there had to have been those in the know long before Sumer and its written record in order for there to have been a Sumer. By this, I mean that much science had to already have been acquired and put to use in order to have reached the Sumerian stage. I posit, that those men and women of such knowledge originally came from the P groups and were the first who kept this knowledge base preserved and constantly expanding. The first doctors, lawyers, priests, philosophers, teachers, surveyors, cartographers, architects, generals and bankers. The first professionals, if you will.

The balance of nature is uncompromising. Those with fewer numbers balanced this with greater knowledge and this knowledge was further magnified by the leverage provided by technology, no different than using a lever and fulcrum to lift a heavy stone. So our first example of civilization is full blown with administration of land, agriculture, trade, economy, religion, education, medicine and all the other trappings. A definite class or caste system was established and has always been in place. The lower classes do all the work, all the fighting and pay for everything. Slavery has had many names over the ensuing years but has always existed.

While these urban areas were being managed to greatness, other Brothers of the P+M stripe were busy travelling around the entire planet by land and sea to make contact with populations of N humans. These various groups were studied for a time and eventually corrupted in a variety of long tried and tested ways. Always to the end of harnessing them to a yoke. Sometimes visible and sometimes quite invisible. Pornography, alcohol, drugs and foreign luxury goods (non-essentials) were introduced along with instruction in better methods of building and food production in return for compliance with new ideas and the adoption of money and banking to replace whatever barter system the wild population had been using.

This process is easily visible in its latter stages in the Middle East where differing banking practices and a refusal to get on board (a pirate term) with the IMF and World Bank is causing their destruction. We may also look back to Sparta and see a population who resisted the Babylonian international money scheme. One of the Spartan leaders, Lycurgus combated the foreign menace by calling in all gold, silver and electrum and issuing instead heavy iron ingots similar to the giant coppers used on the Pacific North-West coast. These were made locally and the iron was mined locally. The sheer size and weight of the pieces precluded theft, graft, bribery and usury. These wise hold-outs were eventually brought down to accept silver and gold as a medium of exchange. The Spartans were free of theft and corruption prior to their acquiescence after the Messenian Wars.

It is interesting and instructive to note that the same very ancient techniques of causing neighbours to quarrel and then funding both sides to furnish their respective armies with the latest military materiel was used long before Sparta was dreamed of and may yet be witnessed in today's headlines. The wise have been studying the similarities of all men, while keeping the education and culture of the masses focused on their differences. Most of these difference can be proved to be foreign created and imposed upon subject N populations and updated from time to time as serves the benefit of the P population.

As we watched the Arab Spring on our flat screens, if we were astute, we would have come to learn that many of the people we saw yelling the loudest with the biggest signs were indeed foreign students who had been funded by NGO money, institutes and foundations under many names to go to those countries years before and begin the foment. We would have watched N people imitating these P+M agents in calling for democracy. Most of us would have joined in the call ourselves. Looking down to our record of the Messenian Wars we would read of a man demanding that Lycurgus create a democracy as an end to the Spartan woes.

Here is Lycurgus' recorded answer that comes down to us from 2,700 years ago: "First create a democracy in your own house."

The reader is asked to consider the fact that in the culture of the P population, information is power and power is never shared or given away freely. Information as power is the most precious commodity to the P population and is closely guarded and carefully preserved. It has always been thus. Efficiency dictates that if something is not broken, do not fix it. If something works do not alter it in any material way. This law is running down through time for the N populations to grasp and trace like Ariadne's thread in order to emerge from the labyrinth. If we look into the numbers and statistics available to us today regarding what percentage of the population has the power and wealth of the world, we may compare these statistics to the statistics mentioned at the beginning of this article.

I conclude that any attempt to analyze our world today and to predict its possible futures will fall hopelessly short of the mark if the phenomenon dealt with in this essay is ignored. I concede that this is no easy task, as it requires research and research is dependent on source material that is often hard to come by. The P population has resorted to every kind of hoax, trickery, deceit and murder in order to cover its tracks and protect its interests. We are living in an altered N generation where, after millions of years of being ourselves, we acquiesce to being told what to eat, what to drink, what to believe, what is taboo, how to procreate, how to raise our young and how to do the most basic of chores that were perfected by nature millennia ago.

For those possessing common sense, a working reason and the desire to know, the task of understanding is far from impossible. The frequency of repetition of tried and true methods of control employed since the misty past until today lend themselves readily to any observer. Patterns and footprints repeat down through time and one may hold one template up to another separated by thousands of years only to discover a perfect fit. One may start at any point in history that takes their fancy and work backwards or forward in order to observe this repetition. There truly is nothing new under the sun.

The N majority has always been under the deleterious influence and control of the P minority. The trick has always been to keep the percentage of N people who understand below a certain critical number. Were such a number reached, natural law would enact the balance that is the true law. It has been relatively easy for the P populations to accomplish this. They are gifted with a much longer sighted view of the world, a better grasp of the truth of all subjects and a patience born of being part of a terrified minority.

When searching out the trail of this minority one must be aware that the P populations from very early times have been truly international. In fact, it is they who created and still create the cultures that we mimic then adopt to call our own in our generational amnesia. Another key to understanding the P population is that it is and has always been inter-generational. This is in large part due to their own religion at their own upper levels. What looks like patience to an N person is rather a certainty of faith in the true religion of a high placed P person. It is important to remember that while fundamental differences exist between N and P people, we all remain people. The world controllers are not super intelligent people nor are they extra-terrestrials. Their difference resides inside their brains.

They form a power elite (to borrow C. Wright Mill’s descriptive) that rises to control medicine, education, the arts, the sciences, the military-industrial complex, culture, the media, banking, business, agriculture and religion. They have for a very long time and they are very good at what they do. Yet they stand human as the rest of us and are highly vulnerable. In fact, their choice of a parasitic lifestyle has rendered them dependent on the hosts that they are constantly ruining. The greatest danger to us all is far from what they will do to the N population. Anything to be frightened of on that score has already been done and is recurring as you read this. The real concern is that the P population lives in an amalgam of ego, arrogance and tradition. They are not geniuses, visionaries nor particularly gifted or useful in any practical sense toward their own welfare or that of others. They thrive only within the artificial environment they have constructed as a rigged game and are far too dependent on their slaves.

They pump places fat with fiat money and drive fake prosperity with unquenchable debt. Then they pull away and leave nations that they have built up, in abject ruins. They create cultures and destroy cultures. They create and destroy religions. They keep the N populations very busy, very worried and very distracted. Look at the rattlesnake's rattle and you will not see what the head is doing. Watch the politician's hand gestures and you will overlook the fact he or she is a proven pathological liar. Look around you where you live and you will see what is wrong. Look at yourself and you will understand how it was all possible.

It is my current opinion that small self sufficient tribes comprised of family groups of cooperating individuals was the pinnacle of man's dance on this earth rather than his humble beginning. At one time in every one of man's eventual population centres, we likely lived thus. I do not know this but until new evidence becomes mainstream to the contrary, such is my logic. Then, at different rates of speed, pockets of men became civilized and spread their civilization outward by expansion and conquest. In every case, these civilizations reached a point where they collapsed and were themselves invaded and thus, changed again. In most every case it was a great man, a great woman or an outsider who drove the change toward civilization. This outsider is an example of the tell-tale historical Ariadne's thread mentioned earlier in this essay. Remember that if we move across a circular timeline we can start at the point of civilization and progress forward in time to a tribal system. Never assume which came first, the chicken or the egg. Especially, if someone tells you to.

It is revelatory that in the first few pages of Carroll Quigley's excellent book, The History of Civilizations he refers to the hunter gatherer style of life as parasitic. By this, he means as opposed to civilization, wherein things are produced in abundance to form a surplus and support a hierarchy through taxation. He deems hunters parasitic because they kill a deer and pick sweet potatoes without producing anything for a market.

Thus, the official historian of the CFR tips his own hand as being one of the Brothers. Even the highly respected Professor Quigley could not see that this fundamental definition, whereby he begins one of his best books, is only acceptable to the world view and mentality of a P person as being viable and then only within the artificial financial economic structure that the N majority have been enslaved by.

In reality, the hunter's own droppings, his scratching the Earth and dead wood burning harm nothing. Indeed his moving over the face of the Earth is no more parasitic than the movement of all other life forms. Only to a P person from within the prison of their different reality is this natural man a threat. In truth the hunter cannot support a parasitic P person and small bands of family groups cannot tolerate the aberrations of a P person's behaviour.

This is where it stands and has stood since the beginning. This is where it will stand tomorrow. The non-P population has to remember to each be true to their own nature. Nature, not mankind will dictate the outcome.

SOURCES Which Informed These Cogitations:

The Babylonian Woe -A Study of the Origin of Certain Banking Practices and their Effect on the Events of Ancient History, written in the light of the present day

by Capt. David Astle

The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall

The Economic History of the Jewish People by Jacques Attali

The Two Babylons or The Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod

and his Wife by Alexander Hislop

Aids, Opium, Diamonds and Empire by Nancy Turner Banks M. D.

The Moses Mystery by Gary Greenberg

History Begins at Sumer -Thirty-Nine Firsts In Recorded History by Samuel Noah Kramer

Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewski

Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley

The Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley

The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quigley

The Educational Talks of Alan Watt

Mystery Babylon by William Cooper

The Web of Debt by E. H. Brown

America B. C. - Ancient Settlers in the New World by Barry Fell

Peoples of the Sea, Vol. III of Ages in Chaos by Immanuel Velikovsky

Oedipus and Akhenaten: Myth and History by Immanuel Velikovsky

The Curse of Canaan by Eustace Mullins

The World Order - A Study of the Hegemony of Parasitism by Eustace Mullins

The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler

The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli

The Story of Mankind by Hendrik Willem van Loon



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