Archaeological research has revealed that various groups of our human forbears had markedly different cognition patterns, mental abilities and social inclinations. The research may go far in explaining the past ten thousand years. The question of why multitudes submit to doomed systems designed to benefit few, has yet to be conclusively answered. The metabolites of fear and paranoia can be clearly seen in our five thousand years of written records. Although this is far too short a period to be definitive of humankind, our documented record is rife with mega-violence done by humans against humans, animals, plants and the planet. The floods were catastrophic, the ice ages were brutal; but why are the good times in between so homicidal?
If you have ever pondered this, you are surely not alone. In an attempt to discover an answer to the enigma, many people across much time have engaged in study, research, spiritual quests and animated discussions. As an aid to facilitate the pondering of this dilemma, I propose that the earth’s human population be categorized into Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta groups. With a nod to Aldous Huxley, I shall reuse and redefine these terms in an attempt to qualify the current human population in order to provide a snapshot of the current state of an ongoing tripartite debate.
First, I will define the terms as they are intended by me for the purpose of this article. Far from condoning the placing of labels and limitations on real people, the reader is cautioned to remember that the labels are merely descriptors signifying the apparent roles and activities of the players as observed from the vantage of speculation. The modern systems we live in are artificial human designs, after all. In the final analysis life is far from being a game. That said, let us commence.
The Players
Alphas- Those few who control most of the world’s wealth and resources, in many cases, via activities considered to be criminal. Becoming legitimized over subsequent generations, their former activities are adopted by the upwardly yearning. Those who create and control financial systems and industry. Those who influence governments, institutions and other systems essential to civilization. Those to whom all taxes eventually flow. Those who author, implement, control, protect, milk, guide, nudge and ultimately destroy the paradigms of civilizations.
Betas- Those within the paradigms who manage the Deltas and are rewarded by the Alphas with privileges denied to the Deltas.
Deltas- Those within the paradigms who do all the work and fight the wars.
Thetas- Those who have not embraced or submitted to the paradigms. Those designated aboriginal and neurodivergent. Those who are unwanted by the other three categories.
Secondly, I will define the character of the social dynamics of these four groups by what I perceive of their actions as opposed to their rhetoric. This was written in 2021 and I reserve the right to update my findings as I am given the light to do so.
The Rules
Alphas have anxiety and disdain for Betas, Deltas and Thetas.
Betas fear and envy Alphas. They have contempt for Deltas and Thetas.
Deltas fear and envy Betas. They idolize and resent Alphas. By turns, they fear, envy, adore and scorn Thetas.
Alphas, acting through Betas, regularly incite Deltas to violence for planned Hegelian goals.
Thirdly, I will identify the three debates alluded to at the top of this article. Debates that seem to have festered in the hearts of mankind, possibly since the last Ice Age and definitely since the time of our oldest known civilizations.
The Three Debates
(1 Proposed: Human history is the orchestrated manipulation by a few to dominate all.
(2 Proposed: Human history is inevitable.
(3 Proposed: Human history is a string of random causes and effects.
Lastly, I will examine the Yea and Nay teams of each of these debates as I perceive them at the time of writing.
Debaters of the First Proposal
The Yea team of the First Proposal consists of Deltas, Thetas, disaffected Betas and disestablished Alphas. They are historically tarred and feathered by the media, politicians, pundits; consisting of Alphas, Betas, and Deltas. They compile evidence and draw conclusions. In the absence of genuine debate, they argue in frustration from a catalogue of alleged Alpha and Beta flaws of genetics and of race.
The Nay team of the First Proposal is made up primarily of Alphas, Betas and Deltas who’s refusal to debate is inflexible. This tactical tradition serves to divert many of their would be opponents to debate Proposals Two or Three. The remainder are assessed by the Establishment and are bought, bullied or bumped as required.
Debaters of the Second Proposal
The Yea team of the Second Proposal is peopled mostly by Alphas, Betas, self deprecating Deltas and beleaguered Thetas. Even from within the dignity of actual debate, they ape the feigned frustration of their mentors and argue from a catalogue of alleged Delta flaws of genetics and of race.
The Nay team of the Second Proposal consists of Alphas, Betas, Deltas and Thetas. Having noticed that espousing the First Proposal carries unwanted social consequences, they usually opt to espouse the Third Proposal.
Debaters of the Third Proposal
The Yea team of the Third Proposal is perpetually repopulated by Deltas emerging like insects from public school hives. They are mentored by Betas who are funded by Alphas. Because membership on this team neither requires nor allows scrutiny, investigation, nor individuality; it is, far and away, the most popular of the six teams we are examining.
The Nay team of the Third Proposal consists of Alphas, Betas and Deltas from the four major Abrahamic faiths who espouse the Second Proposal.
This is a cursory examination only and it must be borne in mind by the reader that I claim no particular expertise in these matters. It must further be understood that with the passage of time, the gathering of wisdom and distillation of experience, human history is inevitably a parallax. The proscription of debating the First Proposal draws a steady stream of new members of the Yea team. When the three debates are viewed from afar as a system, they seem to indicate that in this human designed machine, all roads lead away from Rome.