A Tale Of Three Suzukis
A fond look back at my ongoing relationship with Suzi and why we both “belong outdoors.”
A place to walk with trees
A fond look back at my ongoing relationship with Suzi and why we both “belong outdoors.”
When mice and men collide, necessity is the mother of mods. Genesis of the Hawes Modified Mousetrap.
A look at the yin and yang of security over a span four decades in the True North Brave and Free.
After my first year delivering mail, I decided that it was my turn to bring in some treats.
Healing, hurting, hauling, howling and hoping on the Sea To Sky Highway.
There are two ways to fix your brakes and neither one works. A lesson from high school revisited upon retirement.
My youngest son teaches Reproductive Biology to his 2nd Grade class and the finer techniques of oration to his teacher.
I used to hate painting until some St'at'imx anger management helped me get a burr out from under my saddle.
Cities eventually eat the farmers that made their existence possible. Enlightened urban farmers may cause indigestion.
How I was able to honour my father long after his death for deeds he accomplished long before I was born.
In which my youngest son learns about ability and teaches me about motivation.
They say if you peer too long into the abyss, it will begin to look back at you.
In which two young dogs encounter two old cats and learn to appreciate Sinatra.
Love, passion, footwear and dental modifications merge for a Vancouver letter-carrier.
A little talk about aging and dentistry in the North Shore Mountains and how my wisdom tooth came to rest on Crown Mtn.
The tragedy of his wife's condition had been perfectly met by the care and tenderness of her husband. It was a daily lesson for me.