Viking In Texas
You can take the Swede out of Scandinavia but it's hard to get the Cherokee out of the Swede.
A place to walk with trees
You can take the Swede out of Scandinavia but it's hard to get the Cherokee out of the Swede.
After my first year delivering mail, I decided that it was my turn to bring in some treats.
About the dual unmasking of the underlying temerity of women and the underlying timorousness of men.
Timing is everything for an eighteen year old Lynn Valley cook with an interest in ethnobotany.
An unexpected gig in North Vancouver. The medicine was strong that night. It was better than church.
A look at early Texas history, with a focus on the non-Native players as seen through a Texas Cherokee's perspective.
Swimming at gunpoint in Beaumont, Texas, a side trip to the Alamo and playing Red’s last requested songs on the Greyhound.
Wedding rings, dreams, kokopillau, lightning trees, wanderers and a cotton thread running from ancient Egypt to Early Texas.
Man’s best friend meets a man of constant sorrow on the Rainbow Bridge, ladies sing, a lesson is learned and a torch is passed.
A song waiting fifty years for the music to lift it off a brown braided rug in Beaumont, Texas.
An historical overview of the Philippines. The study of history is necessarily the study of macro-economics.
Paying my respects to the grandmother of my first-born son. Chun Ying, you were sweet as a chicory flower and strong as the roots.