A place to walk with trees

Logica Lyncis Rufus
Understanding walking weenies as a stable proportion of any society. Five Ancient Annoying Questions and Four Timeless Responses.
Tended To In the Natural Way
Human Healing Cycles + Constant Efficiency of Life / Modern Modes + Meds + Meditation = A New Natural.
Stories Told When No One Is Listening
A tribute to poetry, a most human art and a long time love of mine. With links to the audio version of my earlier poems.
The Future Is Sesquipedalian
A look at some emerging technologies with one eye on the past, one eye on the future and astride a horse named, NOW.
What Can You Do?
Cogitations on the nature, utility and history of rules from Scrabble to Tikal and Lagash.
Welcome To Tantalum Springs
Armed with smudge we clear the spiritual dust off the glyph-bearing Vinyl Siding layer.
On Women and Philosophers
About the dual unmasking of the underlying temerity of women and the underlying timorousness of men.
A Tale Of Two Kitcheners And The Canadian Dream
Pondering the departure of my fifteen year old father with his thrice-Anglicized surname into the Battle of The North Atlantic.
BÃ¥tbyggaren Strand
History, by necessity, contains many of the devices of fiction; just as fiction cannot help but to include large doses of actual history.
Only A Farmer
Cities eventually eat the farmers that made their existence possible. Enlightened urban farmers may cause indigestion.
Thunder At The Well
The superior man sets his life in order and examines himself. Using, understanding and benefitting from the I-Ching.
Riding The Bullet
Fruits and vegetables, late-night TV, marketing 101 and the archaeology of food porn.
Counting Creeks
A little talk about aging and dentistry in the North Shore Mountains and how my wisdom tooth came to rest on Crown Mtn.
Apricots and Occam's Razor
Just as it is handy to have a Swiss knife when picking apricots, it is handy to have Occam’s Razor when pondering history.